Thursday, 7 August 2008

The making of "Pixel Junk Monsters" review...Part 2

Well I lost my perfectionist bug, mainly because this game gets hard!! Sometimes takes me a few goes just to complete the level let alone do it perfectly! Hard does not mean it isn’t fun though, finding the correct solution is rewarding. What you start to realise is this is more like a puzzle game than desktop defence, in the sense that there is a right answer. Obviously you can have slight variations but by and large there is one “right” way to do a level. So this creates a lot of trial and error, especially when a wave of monsters turns up that you were not expecting.

I have just completed all the easy and medium levels and need to perfect one more level to have access to the hard ones. I’m starting to wonder at what point should I review this game? While I am having a lot of fun with it I can see it taking a while to complete all the levels, and that’s not a bad thing but I can see myself not being able to make it. The fact is I feel I have easily had my moneys worth but is that the threshold at which something should be reviewed? I have completed the main story of every game so far before I reviewed them, but those games were largely story driven compared to this. This game has been great for playing for a few minutes at a time, trying new strategies to crack a level. I wouldn’t be upset with my purchase if I never completed another level again. So I must weigh up should I complete every remaining level before I give this game a 500 word treatment or not? For now I will play on.

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